Reading a new book loaned to me by a friend of mine. It's called The Road to Hell by Michael Maren. It's about US foreign aid failures. I looked forward to writing a synopsis of the book after I finish.
Anybody who followed this blog for its brief lifetime saw its ups and downs. I AM still currently looking for guest writers if anyone would like to submit an article. The same guidelines apply:
1) At least 750 words long.
2) Must be relevant to the blog title and previous posts (this should be obvious). I will accept posts on subjects other than those provided but should be in the same guidelines of IR, Geopolitics, etc. I would be especially interested in seeing articles utilizing theories of Marxism and Critical Geopolitics.
3) I reserve the right to deny any article written for any reason. I also reserve the right to decide whether I will give you a reason for my decision. Along those lines, I will try and give you a reason why, but I like to keep my options open.
4) Any article accepted will be posted on Digg, and other social media websites.
Please email me your article at c.kirkland(at)sussex(dot)ac(dot)uk. Please make the subject "BLOG" (ensure all caps, I may just delete it otherwise). I look forward to restarting this blog and (hopefully) having a healthy, informed discussion of international politics.
Finishing my MA in Geopolitics and Grand Strategy at University of Sussex. Interests: Marxism, Critical Geopolitics, Energy Security, Critical Theory (and those which intersect with IR, particularly critical security analysis), Russian foreign and security policy, Central Asia (particularly Kazakhstan), Caspian Sea politics. Sometimes I enjoy reading a bit about COIN.