Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Thoughts On North Korea's Nuclear Tests

Geoffrey Forden over at raises an interesting question about North Korea's nuclear tests. The question is, why did North Korea test both weapons underground?

Atmospheric testing allows scientists to photograph the explosion and the sun in the same frame in order to accurately determine the calibration of the bomb. All of China's nuclear tests have been atmospheric tests.

Could they really be trying to hide the tests from the international community? That doesn't seem like Kim Jong-il's style; he mocks the international community on a regular basis and probably would love to show off a shiny new nuclear weapon to the world. Even if he was trying to hide it, do you think the world would not have noticed the signature of a nuclear event? The ground shaking, gasses leaked, especially in the same area as the last test.

But maybe Kim Jong-il is caving to international norms of testing underground now.